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How can we help you?

Good question.

Any elite athlete has a coach that drives them on to get more focussed, become more consistent and achieve better results.

You are an elite business person. Don’t you think you deserve to get better results too? With someone driving you on to become better focussed and more consistent you’ll get them!

Acorn Service works with Chet Holmes who is possibly the best known implementer of Jay Abraham’s ideas. We work with owners and directors of SME companies and help them to better growth and profits.

Our aim is to improve your businesses profit. Preferably by a huge amount.

What’s more we put our money where out mouth is and take a retainer with payment by results. You don’t earn more, we don’t either. So we’re in it together.

Acorn Service creatively generates business growth ideas for you because we have the business understanding and significant experience in different industries and with different types of work.

We often act as a sounding board,  a devil’s advocate, a mentor or a coach or a virtual marketing department.

The type of work undertaken by Acorn Service staff varies widely. For example we’ve:

  • written ISO9000 procedures
  • produced recruitment campaigns for star performers
  • project managed major IT programmes.
  • written press releases
  • written advertising copy
  • written sales letters, brochures and web sites
  • Put on seminars
  • coached company owners and directors on strategy and tactics for business growth.

You’ve already taken your first positive step to improvement by reading this site. Take your second and contact us now.